Friday, August 8, 2014

Quicksilver and Polaris

Quicksilver and polaris cosplay at north texas comic book show in dallas
 A few weeks ago I went to a small convention with one of my best friends Geline and we cosplayed as x-men characters. I went as a girl quicksilver and Geline went as polaris. My costume was a quick thrown together outfit, but overall I thought it looked pretty good. I bought my wig from a costume shop called Norcostco and it is one of my favorite wigs. it's very lightweight, and my head could actually breath, plus it had adjustable straps and to top it all off it only cost $30.00. I could have went with a more grey jacket but I liked my iridescent one I had bought from lipservice and decided to make my girl quicksilver a little more girly. My goggles were borrowed from Geline, and my boots I had bought a while back from electric boutique. My costume was not my best but for a last minute cosplay I think I did ok.

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